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Autoimmunity/Chronic Illness

Navigating Polyautoimmunity: Tips for Diagnosing and Managing Multiple Autoimmune Conditions

July 26, 2023


I'm your dedicated autoimmune wellness coach. My mission is to empower you to thrive despite the challenges posed by autoimmune conditions, so you can lead your fullest life.

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Living with one autoimmune disease is challenging enough, but imagine managing multiple autoimmune conditions simultaneously. As someone diagnosed with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, narcolepsy, and rheumatoid arthritis, I understand firsthand the complexities and challenges of living with polyautoimmunity. This phenomenon occurs when an individual has more than one autoimmune disease, presenting unique challenges in diagnosis, treatment, and management due to the intricate interplay between multiple conditions.

Polyautoimmunity is becoming increasingly recognized within the medical community, and understanding it is crucial for effective management. It involves the immune system mistakenly attacking multiple tissues and organs, leading to a complex array of symptoms. This can complicate both diagnosis and treatment, as each disease can influence the others in unpredictable ways.

The aim of this blog post is to educate you on polyautoimmunity, including its causes and management strategies. We will provide an overview of what polyautoimmunity is and explore the difference between primary and secondary autoimmune diseases. Additionally, we will delve into the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options available for managing multiple autoimmune diseases. By sharing my personal experience and the latest medical insights, I hope to offer valuable information and support to those navigating the complexities of polyautoimmunity.

What is Polyautoimmunity?

Polyautoimmunity is the occurrence of more than one autoimmune disease in the same individual. In autoimmune diseases, the immune system mistakenly attacks the body’s own tissues, leading to inflammation and damage. When polyautoimmunity occurs, the immune system targets multiple organs and tissues, causing a complex array of symptoms that can complicate diagnosis and treatment.

The prevalence of polyautoimmunity is significant, with studies indicating that a considerable percentage of patients with one autoimmune disease will develop another. Share on X

For instance, research shows that up to 25% of individuals with autoimmune thyroid disease may develop another autoimmune condition, such as type 1 diabetes or rheumatoid arthritis.

In my journey, I have experienced the complexities of polyautoimmunity firsthand. I was initially diagnosed with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis in 2015, which came with symptoms of brain fog, weight changes, and sensitivity to cold. Managing this condition was challenging enough, but for years, I also dealt with persistent excessive daytime sleepiness and insomnia. After thorough evaluations, I was finally diagnosed with narcolepsy in 2019. The combination of these conditions was overwhelming, as each brought its own set of symptoms and treatment requirements.

Adding to these challenges, I had been dealing with joint issues that progressively worsened over the years. Initially, I attributed these problems to osteoarthritis. However, when I started to experience symmetrical muscle and joint pain, I realized there might be more to my condition. Seeking medical advice, I underwent further evaluations and was eventually diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis in 2023. This diagnosis added significant joint pain and stiffness to my daily battles, further complicating my health journey.

The interplay between these diseases has made it challenging to distinguish which symptoms belong to which condition, complicating both diagnosis and treatment. Living with multiple autoimmune diseases has heightened my awareness of the necessity for comprehensive care and self-advocacy. It has also highlighted the critical need for increased awareness and understanding of polyautoimmunity within the autoimmune community. By sharing my experiences, I hope to provide valuable insights and support to others facing similar challenges.

In the next section, we will explore the differences between primary and secondary autoimmune diseases. Understanding these distinctions is crucial for accurate diagnosis and effective management of polyautoimmunity.

Primary vs. Secondary Autoimmune Diseases

Primary Autoimmune Diseases: These are the initial autoimmune diseases diagnosed in an individual. Examples include rheumatoid arthritis, where the immune system primarily attacks the joints, and lupus, which can affect multiple organ systems.

Secondary Autoimmune Diseases: These conditions develop after the initial autoimmune disease. They are often related to or triggered by the primary autoimmune disease. For example, a person with lupus (primary) may later develop autoimmune thyroiditis (secondary).

Primary autoimmune diseases can lead to or coexist with secondary autoimmune diseases due to the persistent activation and dysregulation of the immune system. This can create a cascade of immune responses that target different tissues over time.

Can a Secondary Autoimmune Disease Be Diagnosed Before a Primary?

In some cases, a secondary autoimmune disease can indeed be diagnosed before a primary autoimmune disease. This can happen because the symptoms of the secondary disease might present themselves more prominently or earlier than those of the primary disease. For instance, a person might first seek medical attention for symptoms of Sjogren’s syndrome, such as dry eyes and mouth, and only later be diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, the primary condition.

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Healthcare providers must consider the possibility of underlying or coexisting autoimmune conditions when diagnosing and treating patients with autoimmune symptoms. A thorough evaluation, including a detailed medical history, comprehensive symptom assessment, and appropriate diagnostic tests, is essential to identify all contributing autoimmune diseases.

Impact of Diagnosing Secondary Autoimmune Disease First on Symptom Mitigation

When a secondary autoimmune disease is diagnosed first, it can significantly impact the overall management and mitigation of symptoms for several reasons:

  1. Delayed Diagnosis of Primary Disease: If the primary disease remains undiagnosed, its symptoms might continue to progress unchecked. This can lead to worsening of the overall condition and additional complications. For example, if autoimmune thyroiditis is diagnosed before lupus, the systemic symptoms of lupus might not be addressed in a timely manner, leading to further health deterioration.
  2. Treatment Focus: Initially, treatment might focus solely on the secondary disease, potentially overlooking the broader immune dysfunction causing the primary condition. This can result in incomplete symptom relief. For instance, treating Sjogren’s syndrome symptoms without addressing the underlying rheumatoid arthritis might provide partial relief but not fully control inflammation and joint pain.
  3. Comprehensive Care: Once both the primary and secondary diseases are identified, a more holistic and integrated treatment plan can be developed. This approach can improve overall symptom management and quality of life. For example, treating both lupus and autoimmune thyroiditis simultaneously with a combination of medications and lifestyle adjustments can lead to better outcomes.
  4. Increased Awareness and Monitoring: Knowing that polyautoimmunity is a possibility can lead to increased vigilance by healthcare providers. Regular monitoring and proactive management of potential secondary conditions can prevent delays in diagnosis and treatment, improving patient outcomes.
  5. Patient Education and Self-Management: Educating patients about the potential for multiple autoimmune diseases can empower them to recognize symptoms early and seek appropriate care. Understanding the interconnectedness of their conditions can help them adhere to treatment plans and make necessary lifestyle adjustments.

By understanding the nature of polyautoimmunity and the interplay between primary and secondary autoimmune diseases, patients and healthcare providers can work together to develop more effective and comprehensive management strategies. This holistic approach can improve symptom management, enhance quality of life, and potentially prevent the progression of additional autoimmune conditions.

In the following sections, we will explore the common combinations of autoimmune diseases, common symptoms of polyautoimmunity, the challenges in diagnosing multiple autoimmune diseases, and the various treatment and management options available.

Common Combinations of Autoimmune Diseases

Overview: Because polyautoimmunity often involves the coexistence of multiple autoimmune diseases, it often leading to a complex clinical picture. Here are some common combinations of autoimmune diseases seen in individuals with polyautoimmunity:


  1. Rheumatoid Arthritis and Sjögren’s Syndrome: Rheumatoid arthritis primarily affects the joints, causing pain and inflammation. When combined with Sjögren’s syndrome, which affects moisture-producing glands, patients may experience severe dry eyes and mouth in addition to joint symptoms.
  2. Lupus and Autoimmune Thyroiditis: Lupus is a systemic condition affecting multiple organs, while autoimmune thyroiditis targets the thyroid gland. Individuals with both conditions may have a mix of systemic symptoms such as fatigue and joint pain alongside thyroid-related issues like weight gain or loss, and temperature sensitivity.
  3. Celiac Disease and Type 1 Diabetes: Celiac disease involves an immune response to gluten, leading to intestinal damage, while type 1 diabetes is characterized by the destruction of insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. This combination can complicate dietary management and blood sugar control.

Implications: Having multiple autoimmune diseases can significantly complicate both diagnosis and treatment. Overlapping symptoms may lead to delayed or missed diagnoses, and managing multiple conditions requires a coordinated approach to treatment. Medications for one disease may interact negatively with treatments for another, necessitating careful management by healthcare providers.

Symptoms of Polyautoimmunity

Shared Symptoms: Many autoimmune diseases share common symptoms, making it challenging to pinpoint the exact cause without comprehensive testing. Common overlapping symptoms include:

  • Fatigue: A prevalent symptom in most autoimmune conditions, often leading to severe exhaustion.
  • Joint Pain: Common in diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and Sjögren’s syndrome.
  • Inflammation: Generalized inflammation can affect various parts of the body, contributing to pain and swelling.
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Unique Symptoms: Despite the overlap, certain symptoms are unique to specific disease combinations:

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis and Sjögren’s Syndrome: Severe joint pain combined with pronounced dry eyes and dry mouth.
  • Lupus and Autoimmune Thyroiditis: Malar rash (butterfly rash) on the face along with thyroid-related symptoms such as unexplained weight changes.
  • Celiac Disease and Type 1 Diabetes: Gastrointestinal symptoms like diarrhea and bloating, alongside frequent urination and excessive thirst.

Impact on Daily Life: Polyautoimmunity can severely impact the quality of life and daily functioning. Patients may struggle with:

  • Physical Limitations: Chronic pain, fatigue, and joint stiffness can make everyday tasks difficult.
  • Dietary Restrictions: Conditions like celiac disease and type 1 diabetes require strict dietary management, adding to the complexity of meal planning and eating out.
  • Emotional and Mental Health: The burden of managing multiple chronic illnesses can lead to stress, anxiety, and depression.

By understanding the complexities and nuances of polyautoimmunity, patients and healthcare providers can work towards more effective management strategies, improving overall quality of life.

Diagnosing Polyautoimmunity

Diagnostic Challenges: Diagnosing multiple autoimmune diseases can be incredibly challenging due to overlapping symptoms and the complexity of distinguishing between different conditions. Symptoms such as fatigue, joint pain, and inflammation are common to many autoimmune diseases, making it difficult to identify the specific conditions present without thorough and precise testing.

Diagnostic Tools:

  • Blood Tests: These are crucial for detecting specific markers of autoimmune activity. Tests such as antinuclear antibody (ANA), rheumatoid factor (RF), and other specific antibodies can help identify particular autoimmune diseases.
  • Imaging Studies: Techniques like MRI and ultrasound can reveal inflammation and damage in joints, organs, and tissues, providing visual evidence to support a diagnosis.
  • Biopsies: Taking a small sample of tissue from affected areas (e.g., skin, liver, intestines) can help confirm an autoimmune disease by identifying characteristic patterns of inflammation and damage under a microscope.

Comprehensive Evaluation: A thorough evaluation by a healthcare professional is essential for diagnosing polyautoimmunity. This includes taking a detailed medical history, conducting a comprehensive symptom assessment, and performing appropriate diagnostic tests. Collaboration among specialists, such as rheumatologists, endocrinologists, and gastroenterologists, is often necessary to achieve an accurate diagnosis and effective treatment plan.

Polyautoimmunity Treatment and Management

Integrated Approach: Managing polyautoimmunity requires a comprehensive treatment plan that addresses all underlying autoimmune diseases. This approach ensures that the treatment for one condition does not negatively impact the management of another and helps in achieving overall health and well-being.


  • Immunosuppressants: These drugs help control the immune system’s overactivity and reduce inflammation, preventing further tissue damage.
  • Biologics: Targeted therapies that interfere with specific pathways in the immune system, helping to control severe or refractory autoimmune conditions.
  • Anti-inflammatory Drugs: Medications such as NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) help reduce pain and inflammation associated with autoimmune diseases.

Lifestyle Adjustments:

  • Diet: The Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) is designed to reduce inflammation and support gut health by focusing on nutrient-dense foods and eliminating potential dietary triggers.
  • Exercise and Movement: Regular physical activity tailored to the individual’s abilities can help maintain mobility, reduce inflammation, and improve overall well-being.
  • Stress Management: Techniques such as mindfulness, meditation, and relaxation exercises can help manage stress, which can exacerbate autoimmune symptoms.
  • Sleep Hygiene: Prioritizing quality sleep is essential for immune system function and overall health. Establishing a regular sleep schedule and creating a restful sleep environment can improve sleep quality.

Support Systems:

Building a strong support network is crucial for managing polyautoimmunity. This includes:

  • Support Groups: Joining groups, either in-person or online, provides a sense of community and shared experiences, offering emotional and practical support.
  • Counseling: Professional counseling can help manage the emotional and psychological impact of living with multiple chronic illnesses.
  • Healthcare Team: Developing a collaborative relationship with a team of healthcare providers ensures comprehensive care and better management of all autoimmune conditions.
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By adopting an integrated and holistic approach to treatment and management, individuals with polyautoimmunity can achieve better control of their symptoms, improve their quality of life, and prevent further progression of their conditions.

Final Thoughts

Living with polyautoimmunity presents a unique set of challenges, but understanding and addressing these can lead to a better quality of life. It’s essential to recognize the symptoms and seek appropriate medical advice early. A comprehensive approach that includes medication, lifestyle adjustments, and support systems can make a significant difference in managing multiple autoimmune conditions.

Education and self-advocacy are crucial. By staying informed about your conditions and treatment options, you can make empowered decisions about your health. Connecting with others who share similar experiences through support groups and advocacy efforts can provide additional emotional and practical support.

Remember, managing polyautoimmunity is not just about treating symptoms but also about nurturing overall well-being. Embrace a holistic approach to health, and don’t hesitate to seek help from healthcare professionals and support networks.

Call to Action

Empower yourself with knowledge and take proactive steps to manage your autoimmune health. Whether you’re navigating a recent diagnosis, supporting a loved one, or seeking to learn more about autoimmune disease, education and awareness are key.

  1. Stay Informed: Keep up-to-date with the latest research, treatment options, and lifestyle recommendations for autoimmune disease.
  2. Seek Support: Connect with support groups, online communities, or healthcare professionals specializing in autoimmune conditions for guidance and encouragement.
  3. Advocate for Awareness: Raise awareness about autoimmune disease in your community, workplace, or social circles to promote understanding and reduce stigma.
  4. Take Charge of Your Health: Work closely with healthcare providers to develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses your unique needs and preferences.
  5. Join Research Efforts: Consider participating in clinical trials or research studies aimed at advancing our understanding and treatment of autoimmune disease.

For more tips and updates on health and wellness, subscribe to our newsletter. By staying connected, you’ll receive valuable information and resources to help you achieve your health goals.

If you’re interested in more personalized support, I encourage you to visit my page dedicated to the Autoimmune Protocol (AIP). As a certified autoimmune protocol coach, I offer comprehensive coaching options to guide you through this process. Learn more about AIP and the coaching services I provide at naturalhealing.coach/autoimmune-protocol. Together, we can work towards optimal health and well-being.

If you are looking for more tips and support, join me over on my group page, The Village – A Natural HEALing Community, to get tons of information and tips to help you take your HEALTHY EATING and ACTIVE LIVING to the next level.


  1. American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association (AARDA)
  2. Journal of Autoimmunity – Polyautoimmunity: Secondary Autoimmune Diseases in Patients with Primary Autoimmune Diseases
  3. National Institutes of Health (NIH) – Autoimmune Diseases Overview
  4. Mayo Clinic – Autoimmune Diseases
  5. Frontiers in Immunology – Polyautoimmunity: Clinical and Diagnostic Challenges
  6. PubMed – The Prevalence of Polyautoimmunity in Autoimmune Disease Patients



Hi, Jamie Nicole

I'm a certified autoimmune health coach, fitness instructor, life coach, health equity advocate and your go-to chic for turning setbacks into comebacks. 

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Before you dive deeper... hey there! i'm Jamie Nicole

I'm an autoimmune warrior, health coach, fitness instructor, life coach, health equity advocate and your go-to chic for turning setbacks into comebacks. 

I am your committed autoimmune wellness coach, dedicated to the restoration of your well-being. My mission is to equip you with the tools and guidance needed to thrive, even in the face of autoimmune challenges, enabling you to reclaim and lead your fullest life.

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