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Wondering if Your Symptoms Could Be a Sign of 

Autoimmune Disease?


Discover if your health concerns might be linked to autoimmune disease by taking our quick and insightful "Could My Symptoms Be Autoimmune Disease Self-Assessment" quiz. Don't wait to unlock valuable insights into your well-being – start the quiz now and take the first step towards understanding your body better.

your Pathway to success on your restoration journey

The Autoimmune Protocol

your Pathway to success on your restoration journey

The Autoimmune Protocol

your Pathway to success on your restoration journey

The Autoimmune Protocol

your Pathway to success on your restoration journey

The Autoimmune Protocol

your Pathway to success on your restoration journey

The Autoimmune Protocol

Unwind and Restore at our Autoimmune Holiday Retreat

AIP Retreat in South France

aip health coaching and community care

AIP Group Coaching

personalized Aip HEALTH COACHING program

1:1 AIP Private Coaching

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Loss of Hope


Over time, the combination of dietary restrictions, persistent symptoms, emotional ups and downs, and the search for effective treatments can erode your sense of hope. You may have questioned whether it's possible to regain control of your health and lead a fulfilling life.

limited treatment success


Sometimes, even after all those doctor's visits and treatments, it can feel like progress is just out of reach. It's totally normal to feel disheartened when you're not seeing the results you hoped for. This can really shake your confidence in finding a solution that works for yo.u

information overload


With the vast amount of information available online about autoimmune diseases, treatments, and diets, you may have felt overwhelmed and uncertain about which sources to trust and which strategies to follow.


You've Been Diagnosed with or Suspect You May Have an Autoimmune Disease........ 

Now what?

Now it's time to gain more control over your life with  

The Autoimmune Protocol

I've been through the ups and downs of dealing with autoimmune disease firsthand. I know what it's like to feel like your body's your own worst enemy and to have doubts about traditional medical treatments. That's why I'm here to help others going through the same journey, giving them the knowledge to make smart decisions, take back control of their bodies, and experience freedom through the amazing effects of healthy eating and an active life. The turning point for me was discovering the transformative potential of the Autoimmune Protocol.

The Autoimmune Protocol will Empower you to Break Free From Your Symptoms and Frustrations so That You Live Your BEST Life

I know that it will because I am just like you

Sound like something you need?
 Then read on!

The role of diet in autoimmune diseases cannot be underestimated. Research has shown that certain foods can trigger immune responses, contributing to inflammation and exacerbating symptoms. By following the AIP, individuals are empowered to take control of their health through dietary choices that directly impact their immune system and overall well-being.

While AIP may not be a cure for autoimmune diseases, it offers a holistic and scientifically informed approach to managing symptoms and improving quality of life. It provides a valuable tool for those seeking relief from chronic pain, fatigue, digestive issues, and other symptoms associated with autoimmune conditions, all while fostering a deeper understanding of the intricate connections between diet, inflammation, and immune responses.

The Importance of Dietary Intervention in Managing Autoimmune Diseases

The Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) is a comprehensive dietary approach designed to manage and alleviate the symptoms of autoimmune diseases. Developed by Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, a leading expert in the field of autoimmune research, AIP aims to address the root causes of autoimmune conditions by focusing on specific dietary and lifestyle changes.

AIP builds upon the foundation of the Paleo diet, emphasizing the consumption of nutrient-dense, whole foods while excluding potentially inflammatory foods. It goes a step further by tailoring the diet to specifically target inflammation, gut health, and immune system dysfunction – key factors contributing to autoimmune diseases.

What is the Autoimmune Protocol (AIP)?

let's chat for a minute...

 Beyond symptom relief, the AIP promotes sustainable lifestyle changes that can lead to long-term well-being, reduced disease progression, and an improved quality of life.

Fostering Long-Term Well-Being

Many autoimmune patients suffer from nutrient deficiencies due to malabsorption and inflammation. The AIP encourages the consumption of nutrient-dense foods to address these deficiencies and support overall health.

Supporting Nutritional Balance

Through the systematic reintroduction process, the AIP allows individuals to identify specific foods that may exacerbate their autoimmune symptoms, enabling personalized dietary adjustments.

Identifying Trigger Foods

The protocol focuses on healing the gut lining, which can help prevent "leaky gut" and support the body's natural ability to repair damaged tissues and restore normal gut function.


AIP aims to target the root causes of autoimmune diseases, including chronic inflammation, gut dysbiosis, and immune system dysfunction, rather than simply masking symptoms.

Addressing Root Causes

The Autoimmune Protocol 

The primary purpose of the AIP is to reduce and alleviate the often debilitating symptoms associated with autoimmune diseases, such as pain, fatigue, skin issues, and digestive problems.

Mitigating Autoimmune Symptoms

serves various purposes, including....

The Autoimmune Protocol is designed to help individuals with autoimmune diseases identify and eliminate foods that may trigger inflammation and exacerbate their symptoms. It involves two main stages: the elimination phase and the reintroduction phase. These stages help individuals pinpoint specific food triggers and create a personalized diet that supports their health.

How Exactly Does the Autoimmune Protocol Work?

Duration: Typically, this phase lasts for at least 30 days, but it can vary depending on individual needs and the severity of symptoms.

Objective: The primary goal of the elimination phase is to remove all potentially inflammatory and autoimmune-triggering foods from your diet. This includes foods that are commonly associated with autoimmune reactions, such as grains, legumes, dairy, nightshades, eggs, nuts, seeds, processed foods, and added sugars.

Recommended Foods: During this phase, you focus on eating nutrient-dense, anti-inflammatory foods such as vegetables (except nightshades), fruits, lean meats (preferably grass-fed or pasture-raised), fish, and healthy fats (e.g., avocado, coconut oil, olive oil).

Monitoring Symptoms: Throughout the elimination phase, you closely monitor your autoimmune symptoms and overall well-being. This includes tracking changes in energy levels, digestion, joint pain, skin conditions, and any other symptoms related to your autoimmune disease.

autoimmune protocol



Duration: The duration of this phase varies from person to person, but it typically starts after at least 30 days of strict elimination.

Objective: The reintroduction phase is a systematic process where you reintroduce eliminated foods, one at a time, in a controlled manner. The goal is to identify which specific foods trigger autoimmune symptoms so that you can create a customized, sustainable diet plan.

Method: Reintroduce one eliminated food group at a time, starting with a small portion. For example, you might begin with dairy products. If you don't experience any adverse reactions over a few days, you can gradually increase the amount and frequency of that food. If symptoms reappear, it's a sign that your body may be sensitive to that particular food group.

Tracking: Keep a detailed journal to document your reactions to reintroduced foods. Note any changes in symptoms, mood, energy levels, or digestive issues.

Order of Reintroduction: The order in which you reintroduce foods can vary depending on your preferences and suspected sensitivities. Many people start with the least allergenic foods and work their way up to potentially more problematic foods.

Duration: The duration of this phase varies from person to person, but it typically starts after at least 30 days of strict elimination.

Objective: The reintroduction phase is a systematic process where you reintroduce eliminated foods, one at a time, in a controlled manner. The goal is to identify which specific foods trigger autoimmune symptoms so that you can create a customized, sustainable diet plan.

Method: Reintroduce one eliminated food group at a time, starting with a small portion. For example, you might begin with dairy products. If you don't experience any adverse reactions over a few days, you can gradually increase the amount and frequency of that food. If symptoms reappear, it's a sign that your body may be sensitive to that particular food group.

Tracking: Keep a detailed journal to document your reactions to reintroduced foods. Note any changes in symptoms, mood, energy levels, or digestive issues.

Order of Reintroduction: The order in which you reintroduce foods can vary depending on your preferences and suspected sensitivities. Many people start with the least allergenic foods and work their way up to potentially more problematic foods.







Objective: Once you've identified which foods trigger autoimmune reactions, you can create a personalized AIP-compliant diet tailored to your specific sensitivities. This phase involves maintaining a diet that avoids trigger foods while incorporating those that you've successfully reintroduced.

Lifestyle Factors: Consider other factors beyond diet that may affect your autoimmune condition, such as stress management, sleep, and physical activity. These can also play a crucial role in managing autoimmune diseases.

 Autoimmune diseases are complex and often involve multiple systems in the body. Addressing various aspects of health, including sleep, stress, physical activity, and toxin exposure, ensures a comprehensive approach to symptom management and overall well-being.

Encourage Holistic Health

Understanding the role of diet and lifestyle in autoimmune diseases empowers individuals to take an active role in their health. Education helps them make informed choices, leading to better outcomes and increased control over their condition.

Educate and Empower

Autoimmune triggers can vary from person to person. Personalization through the identification of trigger foods allows individuals to create sustainable diets that address their unique sensitivities, improving compliance and symptom management.

Personalize Dietary Plans

 Autoimmune diseases are characterized by immune system dysregulation. Modulating the immune response is crucial to prevent the immune system from attacking the body's own tissues and causing further damage.

Balance the Immune System

A significant portion of the immune system resides in the gut. A compromised gut lining, often seen in autoimmune patients, can lead to "leaky gut" and immune responses. Promoting gut health helps restore immune balance and overall well-being.

Promote Gut Health

Chronic inflammation is a hallmark of autoimmune diseases. It contributes to tissue damage, pain, and exacerbation of symptoms. Reducing inflammation is essential for symptom relief and preventing disease progression.

Reduce Inflammation

The goals of the Autoimmune Protocol are crucial because they address the fundamental aspects of autoimmune diseases and their management

Here's why each of these goals is important...

Certified AIP coaches assist individuals in achieving their goals by providing personalized guidance and accountability throughout their autoimmune protocol journey. They tailor AIP to each client's specific needs, helping them identify trigger foods, navigate dietary restrictions, and make sustainable lifestyle changes, all while offering continuous motivation and support to ensure goal attainment.

Certified Health Coaches Provide Personalized Guidance

I am a Certified AIP Health Coach. A Certified AIP Coach is a trained health and wellness professional who specializes in guiding individuals through the Autoimmune Protocol to manage autoimmune diseases successfully. Dr. Sarah Ballantyne and Autoimmune Wellness are well-known for their contributions to the AIP community. They offer training and certification programs for AIP Coaches to ensure they are well-equipped to support individuals effectively.

My training included:

Hey there, I'm 

let's get aquainted

Jamie Nicole


In-Depth AIP Education: Learning the science behind the AIP, including its impact on autoimmune diseases, gut health, and inflammation.

As a Certified AIP Coach, I help you achieve your goals by providing personalized guidance tailored to your unique needs and challenges within the Autoimmune Protocol. I offer support, accountability, and motivation, ensuring you stay on track, make informed choices, and successfully work towards symptom relief and improved well-being.

AIP Implementation: Training in the practical aspects of the AIP, including meal planning, recipe adaptation, and strategies for overcoming challenges.

Client Communication and Support: Effective communication skills to work closely with clients, provide emotional support, and foster a strong coach-client relationship.

Client Assessment: Assessing clients' health conditions, goals, and specific needs to create personalized AIP plans.

Problem-Solving Skills: Development of problem-solving skills to address common AIP-related challenges that clients may encounter

Ethical and Professional Standards: Ethical conduct and adherence to professional standards to ensure the well-being of clients.

personalized guidance

I understand that each person's experience with autoimmune diseases is unique. I will work closely with you to create a personalized plan tailored to your specific needs, symptoms, and goals. Together, we'll design a roadmap for your health journey.

As a Certified Autoimmune Health Coach, I'm well-versed in the complexities of autoimmune diets and lifestyles. I'll provide you with expert guidance on the Autoimmune Protocol, helping you navigate the often-confusing world of dietary restrictions and making it work for your lifestyle.

Achieving your health goals can be challenging, but with me as your coach, you'll have a dedicated partner. I'll keep you accountable, provide motivation when you need it most, and celebrate your successes, no matter how small they may seem.

I believe in empowering you with knowledge. I'll educate you about the science behind autoimmune diseases, the impact of diet and lifestyle choices, and how they relate to your condition. Knowledge is a powerful tool, and I'll ensure you have it to make informed decisions.

Dealing with an autoimmune condition can be emotionally taxing. I'm here to offer you the emotional support you need, whether you're feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, or isolated. We'll work together to build resilience and address the emotional challenges that come with your health journey.


emotional support

accountability and motivation

Education and empowerment

You're not alone on this journey. I'll connect you with a supportive community of individuals who share your challenges and triumphs. Being part of a community can provide invaluable encouragement and a sense of belonging.

building a supportive community

Here's how I can support you in reaching your goals

Navigating life with an autoimmune condition can be challenging, but it doesn't mean you have to face it alone.

AIP can be complex, and without expert guidance, clients might struggle to understand the nuances of the protocol. They may not have access to the latest scientific information, potentially leading to misconceptions or suboptimal choices in their diet and lifestyle.

Every individual's experience with autoimmune diseases is unique. Without a coach, clients may find it challenging to customize the AIP to their specific needs and condition. This could result in a less effective approach that doesn't address their particular triggers and sensitivities.

One of the benefits of working with a coach is the accountability they provide. Without this accountability, clients may find it more challenging to stick to the AIP, potentially leading to inconsistencies and difficulty in maintaining the protocol.

Living with autoimmune diseases can be emotionally taxing, and clients may feel isolated or overwhelmed at times. A coach can offer emotional support, helping clients cope with the psychological challenges of their condition. Without a coach, clients might miss out on this vital aspect of support.

Navigating the AIP without guidance can be frustrating, especially during the elimination phase when various foods are restricted. Clients may struggle to adapt recipes, plan meals, and find suitable alternatives, potentially leading to frustration and discouragement.

Clients may encounter challenges or setbacks during their AIP journey, such as dining out, social events, or dealing with cravings. A coach can provide practical solutions and strategies to overcome these obstacles. Without a coach, clients might have fewer resources to address such issues effectively.

Maintaining motivation throughout the AIP journey can be challenging. Coaches play a crucial role in keeping clients motivated and celebrating their successes, no matter how small. Without this encouragement, clients may find it more challenging to stay focused on their long-term goals.

Many coaches have connections to supportive communities of individuals who share similar experiences. Being part of such a community can provide encouragement, inspiration, and a sense of belonging. Clients who don't work with a coach may miss out on the benefits of this support network.

When clients choose not to work with an AIP coach, they may face several challenges and missed opportunities on their journey to manage autoimmune conditions and implement AIP effectively


Click each CHALLENGE to learn more about potential barriers to implementing AIP without a Coach

faced when NOT working with an AIP Coach

When embarking upon your AIP journey, it is common to face challenges related to understanding the protocol, personalization, accountability, emotional support, and practical problem-solving.  

Working with an AIP coach can enhance your chances of success by providing expert guidance, emotional support, and a personalized approach tailored to your unique needs. 

It is possible to follow AIP without a coach! However.....

now just so we are clear...

Ready to get started?

After the discovery call, you'll have all the information you need to make an informed decision. Choose the coaching option that resonates with you, whether it's 1-on-1 private coaching, group coaching, or the 5-day AIP retreat. Once you've made your choice, we'll guide you through the registration process, ensuring a seamless transition into the next chapter of your health and wellness journey.

Choose Your Path and Begin Your Journey


Once you've familiarized yourself with our AIP coaching options, take the next step by scheduling a no-obligation discovery call. During this call, we'll get to know you, discuss your health goals, and explore which coaching option aligns best with your needs. It's an opportunity to ask questions, clarify details, and determine the best path forward for your journey.

 Schedule a Discovery Call


Learn More About my aip coaching options

Explore the details of my comprehensive AIP offerings to find the perfect fit for your health journey. Learn more about my AIP 1-on-1 Private Coaching,  AIP Group Coaching and my AIP Retreat in South of France.


What are the next steps?

you may be wondering

Embark upon an experience that transcends the ordinary – a vacation you won't need a vacation from, where you'll leave feeling better than when you came.


Journey to Joy: Unwind and Restore at our Autoimmune Holiday Retreat - Your Joyful Active AIP Journey Awaits!

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Embark upon an experience that transcends the ordinary – a vacation you won't need a vacation from, where you'll leave feeling better than when you came.


Journey to Joy: Unwind and Restore at our Autoimmune Holiday Retreat - Your Joyful Active AIP Journey Awaits!

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