Maintaining stable blood sugar levels is crucial for overall health and well-being. Fluctuations in blood sugar can lead to various health issues, including fatigue, irritability, and an increased risk of chronic conditions like diabetes. While a balanced diet and regular exercise play significant roles in managing blood sugar, incorporating specific supplements and foods into your routine can provide additional support. In this blog post, we will explore nine incredible supplements and foods that are known for their blood sugar-friendly properties. By incorporating these items into your diet, you can take proactive steps towards optimizing your blood sugar levels and enjoying a healthier life.
You do not suffer from any sort of inflammation
Your blood sugar often spikes in response to the excess release of cortisol by your body and excess cortisol can cause inflammation. Excess sugar equals inflammation. If you do not suffer from any kind of body inflammation, your blood sugar level is probably stable.
Your skin is clear
Acne is a form of inflammation. When your body suffers from an injury or illness, it tries to protect itself; the same is true when your diet is not healthy. If you consume a lot of sugar, your body will react in the form of inflammation. Acne is an inflammatory response to poor microbiome health, which is often a result of unstable blood sugar.
You feel energized and are physically active
Excess sugar releases cortisol in your body which can lead to increased fatigue. When your blood sugar is not stable, you may feel lazy and sluggish. If you are enjoying high levels of energy and are not easily tired by physical activity, you most likely have a healthy blood sugar level.
You do not crave sugar all the time
Insatiable sugar cravings are a sign of an unstable blood sugar level. Occasional cravings are normal; everyone feels like scarfing up a whole tub of ice cream at some point or another. But, if satisfying that initial craving keeps you consuming sugar, there is a good chance your blood sugar is not stable.
You can lose weight easily
When your blood sugar level is stable, it is a lot easier to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight. An unstable blood sugar level makes it nearly impossible.
You do not feel the need to urinate frequently
A well-functioning bladder is a sign that your blood sugar level is normal. People with unstable blood sugar levels often suffer from a weak bladder and may feel the need to urinate more frequently than normal.
You can easily quench your thirst
People with stable blood sugar levels are able to easily quench their thirst after drinking water. Many people who have unstable blood sugar levels feel thirsty all the time and are not able to quench their thirst even after drinking water.
You don’t experience a sudden brain fog
Another symptom of unstable blood sugar is brain fog – when your brain suddenly becomes fatigued, and it becomes hard for you to focus or concentrate. Healthy blood sugar levels can help promote sharp and extended periods of focus.
Natural Supplements for Regulating Sugar
When your blood sugar is not balanced, your body stops functioning like it is supposed to. Medical supplements can be expensive, but herbs and spices are excellent natural supplements for regulating blood sugar that are available at your local grocery store, if not right in your kitchen. If you have trouble managing your blood sugar, try adding some of these natural supplements to your diet and to your daily routine. You can eat many of them raw or add them to your food or smoothies.
5 Blood Sugar Balancing Herbs
Cinnamon is made from the bark of Cinnamomum trees. It is a very popular spice that can help manage the body’s insulin and blood glucose levels. It contains a lot of antioxidants that help regulate blood sugar by enhancing your insulin sensitivity and slowing your stomach’s process of emptying after each meal. Cinnamon is easy to add to a lot of recipes.
Ginseng is a root with Chinese origins that is often used to manufacture organic and herbal medicines. The primary health use of ginseng is to help lower blood sugar levels. Consuming ginseng on a daily basis after each meal can help balance blood sugar levels. According to a study conducted by an American university, daily consumption of ginseng helped approximately 20% more patients with blood sugar issues as compared to those who took the placebo pills.
Fenugreek seeds
Fenugreek is an aromatic plant that can help regulate your blood sugar level by slowing down the process of digestion and carbohydrate absorption. Its abundance of amino acids can also stimulate the production of insulin in your body.
Banaba Leaf Extract
Banaba is a tree found in the Asian tropical forests. The extract of its leaves has been found beneficial for regulating blood sugar levels. It contains corosolic acid, which assists your body in transforming the glucose in your blood into energy. People have seen drastic changes after consuming Banaba leaf extract daily for two weeks.
Gymnema Sylvester
Gymnema Sylvester is an herb found in the tropical forests of India. The leaves of this herb can help reduce the absorption of glucose in your body and normalize your body’s blood sugar levels.
Foods to Balance Blood Sugar
Balanced blood sugar levels are crucial to a healthy and prosperous life. Balanced blood sugar levels prevent disruption of your body’s functions and help your overall health. Here are a few foods to add to your diet to help balance your blood sugar:
4 Blood Sugar Balancing Food Groups
You can never eat too many greens. For the best blood sugar benefits, go for nutrient-dense, low-carb greens like spinach, kale, and broccoli. These greens are also very rich in protein and calcium, which help your body in multiple areas. You can toss these greens in salads with olive oil and chunks of salmon. Studies have shown that these three vegetables contribute to a dramatic improvement in patients who are constantly battling with their blood sugar.
Low fructose fruits
Fruit is always a must, but for blood sugar-specific management, choose fruits that are low fructose, such as cantaloupe, raspberries, blueberries, kiwi, and blackberries. You can snack on them throughout the day, or toss them in your salad, smoothies, or acai bowls.
Protein is essential for slowing down glucose absorption in your body, which helps regulate your blood sugar levels. Add foods to your diet that are packed with protein, like wild salmon and other types of fish, beef and other types of lean meat, cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, and eggs. Make your diet interesting; try snack ideas like celery sticks dipped in all-natural peanut butter. This snack is rich in protein and only contains the good kind of fat. Remember everything in moderation, however. Too much protein actually can become sugar in your blood, creating a condition called gluconeogenesis; 40 to 70 grams of protein is enough for a day.
Low-calorie drinks.
Cut out sugary, high-calorie drinks from your diet. Add drinks like cinnamon tea, lemon water, and cucumber juice to your daily routine.
If you are looking for more tips and support, join me on my group page, The Village – A Natural HEALing Community, to get tons of information and tips to help you take your HEALTHY EATING and ACTIVE LIVING to the next level. HEAL GOOD. FEEL GOOD. DO GOOD.

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